Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124


The body of law that governs the rights, interactions, and behaviour of people and businesses engaged in commerce, merchandising, trade, and sales is known as commercial law, also known as mercantile law or trade law. It deals with both private and public law issues and is frequently regarded as a branch of civil law.

Influencer marketing agency 

influencer marketing, –  influencer marketing agency connects brands and social media influencers to develop, manage, distribute and optimize influencer marketing campaigns. Infludesk manages campaigns from end to end using customized expertise for each brand’s needs, goals, audience and industry. is…

5 law based businesses to start 

5 law based businesses to start 

Starting a business in the legal industry can be a lucrative opportunity for those with a strong understanding of legal processes and procedures. In this article, we will explore five law-based businesses that can be started with varying degrees of…

5 Law Firm LinkedIn Strategies to Grow Your Practice

Law Firm LinkedIn Strategies

LinkedIn is a competitive tool many professionals use to grow their practice. When properly utilized, LinkedIn can help you develop brand awareness, boost visibility, and acquire new business. Even firms that do not have a strong online presence and mostly…



Business law, also known as commercial law or mercantile law, is the body of regulations governing inter-person interactions in commercial matters, whether established by convention, agreement, national or international legislation. Business law is divided into two distinct categories: (1) the…