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Why You Should Hire a Lawyer for Car Insurance Claims

An insurance company might reconsider its position on a car accident claim if it is told that you have hired your own lawyer. This might prompt them to make a better offer.

You should keep documents from all of your expenses, including out-of-pocket medical bills and mileage for going to doctor’s appointments. Your attorney will use them to prove your damages. Learn more about lawyer for car insurance claims.

Free Consultation

Having legal representation when dealing with an insurance company is advisable to ensure that the company pays you every penny it owes on a car accident claim. If the insurer denies a valid claim for an unreasonable reason, it may be liable for additional punitive damages in addition to what you are owed.

Many attorneys offer free consultations in order to attract clients. During these meetings, attorneys will be able to review the facts of the case and determine if they are a good fit to handle the lawsuit. However, you should not expect the attorney to provide a complete case plan during this meeting.

The attorneys at Ehline Law Firm have a proven track record of success with automobile insurance dispute cases. They are well-versed in New York’s no-fault insurance laws and know how to make insurance companies pay their claims. They also have the experience necessary to sue insurance companies in bad faith for denying claims or otherwise treating claimants unfairly.


An experienced lawyer can help you get the maximum compensation for your injuries, damages and losses. He can also help you with the nuances of a car accident case, such as how insurance companies calculate the value of your claim.

A skilled attorney can help you negotiate with insurance adjusters to prevent them from taking advantage of you. He can ensure that the initial offer is fair and that you receive compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, property damage and pain and suffering.

A specialized NYC car accident lawyer can also assist you with cases against third parties. These can include cases against a bar or restaurant that served a drunk driver, product liability cases for defective airbags or seatbelts and claims against insurance companies for bad faith. He can determine whether another party may be liable for your crash and help you file the appropriate lawsuit. He can also advise you on what additional coverages you should buy to protect yourself in the future.


In cases where the insurance company of an at-fault driver is refusing to pay or your medical bills, losses and damages exceed your policy limits, a New York car accident lawyer can help. A skilled attorney will be able to explain your coverage and the law in plain terms and negotiate for the maximum compensation on your behalf.

Car insurance companies are known to try and diminish accident victims’ claims by disputing their validity. An experienced attorney will understand the tactics they use and be able to counter them. They can also help you recover all the special and general damages resulting from your crash, including pain and suffering. If your claim is denied or you receive a lowball offer, an experienced lawyer can also file a car accident lawsuit against the insurance company. Florin|Roebig has extensive experience handling injury claims against GEICO and other insurance companies. Contact us today for a free consultation. Getting fair compensation for your injuries is essential to recovering from the harrowing effects of a car accident.


The reputation of an attorney can make a difference in how much an insurance company is willing to pay. When choosing a lawyer, it’s important to consider whether or not they have the reputation of fighting for their clients and getting results.

An experienced New York car accident lawyer can help you to place a value on your injury claim. They can also deal with the insurance companies for you, removing the burden of mountains of paperwork and hours of phone calls to adjusters.

The lawyers at Florin|Roebig have the experience to handle a variety of car insurance dispute cases, including claims involving bad faith practices by insurance companies. Contact us today for a free case review to find out if you have a valid claim against your insurance provider.

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